Wednesday, December 4, 2019


Whether you are looking to set up factories in China, pitching cross-border IPO mandates or lobbying with the Chinese government for business licenses, it always helps to speaka-the-language! Tuesday 3 September There is a large variety of videos available on the site, and growing daily. In addition, we often provide conversations between three people to more closely simulate real-life situations. Situational English is heavily stressed, and our team role plays various situations to demonstrate the proper form of English to use when speaking with friends, customers, executives, and so-on. Thursday 25 April You will be able to easily understand native speakers and have no problem at all communicating with them. china232 pdf

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Similar To Center for Educational Development. ESL Chin2a32 News was founded in to provide a podcast summary of each week's business news from around the world in slow, clear English. All we do is English.

Listen English Learning Podcast |chinacom | - Humour on Viaway

I was born and brought up near Chester in the north west of England. Saturday 14 September Be pef to look at the license for each podcast to make sure of the licensing. And please don't forget to let us know what you think of the show. This service is geared towards educational institutions but can be used by anyone at all, you just have to sign up for an account. After you listen to the podcast, sign up for a free account at LingQ l-i-n-g-q. Monday 12 August We believe that the more you speak, the quicker you learn, so we have designed our program to get you speaking right away.

Business English

Monday 17 June Watch the iTunes U intro video below to learn more about this new feature: The particular LingQ podcast highlighted in this article is EnglishLingQ, a roughly weekly podcast with mp3 audio content for Chima232 language learners.

Monday 1 April That is exactly why we bring the lessons to you and let you decide when they start.

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We focus on English, and English only I strongly recommend http: We're 2 brothers from Canada and we've been living in Asia for the past 8 years. It can only be to your advantage to sell your products or services to them in Chinese.

If you have any comments or suggestions, e-mail Jan.

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Be sure to check out the free resources available to visitors. Add event View all events. You can work through your lessons at any time, enabling you to fit your study schedule into your daily life however you choose. Sunday 18 August We also fill a definite demand in remote locations.

Podcasts | Fun English Lessons

We make a fun Hcina232 podcast to teach all the slang and vocabulary we actually use in real life. From Website 'Machigai' means 'mistake'.

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Lucy sees her future as a lawyer and wishes to specialize in international law, a career that we are helping her to pursue by supporting her financially with part-time work. Welcome to Just Vocabulary's new website. I visited Italy many times while growing up, but lived most of my life cina232 London except for my 3 years at University in Wales.

All you need is a computer, an internet connection and headphones, and you can listen anywhere, anytime! No more dry, out of date textbook story lines! Saturday 18 May Subscriptions to gain access to additional materials and instruction start at low monthly prices.

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